How to Go Through Oculus Tutorial Again

Oculus Quest 2 vs Rift S for PC VR
Oculus Quest 2 vs Rift S for PC VR

Is the $299 Oculus Quest two a skilful VR headset for PC VR (desktop VR)?  How does information technology compare to Oculus Rift S?  In this post, I'll talk over how well Quest ii works for PC VR.  I'll also show how to put together a VR-prepare PC for the everyman cost, and how to ready it up for both wired and wireless VR gameplay, using Oculus Link, Air Link or Virtual Desktop. UPDATE: at present added troubleshooting department if y'all launch Air Link and all you come across is a blackness screen or the logo appear over again and again.

Table of Contents :

Background and Executive Summary
Oculus Quest 2 vs Rift S vs Quest comparison
Minimum PC requirements for Oculus Link, Air Link and Virtual Desktop
Oculus Quest 2 Oculus Link FAQ (updated December 17, 2020)
How to employ Oculus Quest two Oculus Link to play PC VR (updated January ii, 2022)
How to use Oculus Quest 2 Air Link or Virtual Desktop to play PC VR wirelessly (updated Jan ii, 2022)
How to use Sidequest to sideload Air Link Connector and other apps (updated January 2, 2022)
Air Link black screen looping error (added January 3, 2022)
Tracking Lost error (updated Jan 2, 2022)

From left to right: Oculus Quest, Quest 2 and Rift S
From left to right: Oculus Quest, Quest two and Rift S


Oculus Quest 2 is a standalone 6DOF mobile VR headset.  Information technology doesn't demand to be tethered to a PC or phone, and doesn't have any external sensors.  Instead, information technology uses four cameras on the headset for within out tracking using computer vision.  Quest 2 is the 2d 6DOF mobile VR headset from Oculus and improves on the original Quest with a faster processor, college resolution screen, larger storage options, and a significantly lower price.

Oculus Quest 2 (left) and Rift S (right)
Oculus Quest 2 (left) and Rift Due south (right)

Rift S is a desktop VR headset.   Different its predecessor — the Oculus Rift CV1 — the Rift Southward has no external sensors, which makes it much more convenient to apply.  It has five cameras for inside out tracking.

Although Quest and Quest 2 were designed as mobile VR headsets, they can as well be used for PC VR.  But how well do they piece of work compared to a desktop VR headset, such every bit Oculus Rift South?  Information technology may seem that using Quest for PC VR was only an afterthought and therefore it wouldn't be that good for desktop VR.  Merely the truth is that Quest and Quest ii are pretty good for desktop VR as well.  I have several mobile and desktop VR headsets and I was surprised that Quest 2 can be virtually as good equally Rift S for PC VR gaming, although information technology does have drawbacks.

Oculus Quest 2's key advantages over Rift Southward for PC VR:
+ you tin play PC VR games wirelessly (boosted setup required)
+ much better audio quality
+ costs less than Rift S
+ can exist used as a standalone mobile VR headset
– When using Air Link, Oculus Link or Virtual Desktop, it is less detailed than Rift S unless you have a high end PC
– Less comfortable headstrap (but there are replacement headstraps)
Available for $299 64GB or $399 256GB.

Oculus Quest 1'due south key advantages over Rift S for PC VR:
+ you tin can play PC VR games wirelessly (additional setup required)
+ more comfortable headstrap than either Quest 2 or Rift S, in my opinion
+ better contrast and black levels than either Quest ii or Rift Southward due to OLED screen
+ amend audio quality than Rift S
+ can be used as a standalone mobile VR headset
+ wider range of interpupillary altitude (IPD) adjustments than either Rift Southward or Quest 2
– When using Air Link, Oculus Link or Virtual Desktop, it is less detailed than Rift Southward unless you have a high finish PC
– When using Virtual Desktop, it has a slight moire pattern (this issue has been addressed in version 1.twenty.three).
Availability: discontinued.

Rift Due south fundamental advantages and disadvantages over Quest 2 for PC VR:
+ sharper compared to Quest 2 when Quest 2 is being used for PC VR
+ manus tracking has wider range because of extra cameras on the side of the headset.
+ slightly smoother motion in complex scenes on modest PC hardware (GTX 1070), i.e. no dropped frames.
+ halo-style strap is more comfortable than the Quest two's textile strap
+ USB cable is less likely to exist accidentally asunder
– cablevision reduces immersiveness
– needs USB and Displayport
– IPD adjustment is software but
Availability: discontinued

For PC VR with the absolute best detail, smoothest motion, lowest latency, and all-time hand-tracking on a low-end VR-gear up PC, I would recommend Rift South if y'all can detect it, or Valve Index.  Simply even a low-end PC can utilize Quest 2 ($299 64GB or $399 256GB) for desktop VR with slightly less particular for better versatility, wireless gaming, and the ability to use it for mobile VR.  And if you have a high-stop VR-ready PC, then the Quest ii can play desktop VR games just as well as Rift South.  Equally for the original Quest, I wouldn't seek it out — become Quest 2 instead (unless you demand the deeper blacks on the Quest one's OLED screen, or if you need its wider IPD range).


Quest 2 can also be used for PC VR
Quest 2 can besides exist used for PC VR

Particular: When using Quest 2 by itself, it has exceptional detail.  It is more detailed than Quest or Rift S, which are themselves amidst the more detailed VR headsets.  With Quest ii, there is nearly no screendoor outcome (you won't see the private pixels or spaces between them).  However, when Quest 2 is used with Oculus Link, Air Link, or Virtual Desktop to play PC VR games, then information technology appears a little less detailed than Rift S, every bit if in that location was a slight mistiness, but is however sufficiently detailed.  And on my system,  Air Link and Virtual Desktop are very slightly less detailed than Oculus Link.

Black levels and contrast: Both Quest 2 and Rift S use LCD screens (dissimilar the Quest which uses OLED) and have similar black levels.   In ordinary scenes, the Quest 2 and Rift S contrast is not noticeably worse than that of the Quest 1.  All the same, in nighttime scenes, such equally dungeons or caves, you'll find the blacks appear dark gray even without comparison it to Quest 1.  With Quest 1, blacks consistently announced black.

Godrays: Quest two, Quest 1 and Rift S all accept some godrays, although it's not as bad as 1st generation headsets such as the Oculus Rift CV1.  Notation: godrays are the glow that you can see around objects when they are in a dark background.

IPD: Quest has full adjustment from 58mm to 72mm.  Quest two has limited adjustment of three positions: 58mm, 63mm and 68mm.  Rift S has a stock-still IPD of 63.5mm, although its software tin simulate IPD adjustment, upwardly to a point.

Condolement: Rift Due south has a halo-style strap with a pad that allows some of the weight to rest on your forehead.  For a majority of users, it is more comfortable than Quest 2'south fabric strap.  Nevertheless, Quest ii does have an optional halo-fashion Aristocracy Strap that has similar condolement.  All three are front heavy and I experience strain on the back of my neck subsequently using them for effectually 30 minutes.  However, when I use a counterweight such as a battery, and so there's no issue.

Audio quality: Rift Southward' speaker is noticeably weak and tinny (explosions will sound like they come from a toy speaker).  Quest and Quest two both have decent audio quality.  You can go even better quality by using headphones (all iii have 3.5mm headphone jacks).  Quest and Quest two can too use the HTC Palatial Sound Strap for skilful quality sound.

Tracking: headset tracking is accurate for all 3.  For hand tracking, Rift S is a little more than authentic than Quest ane or Quest 2 for tracking hand movements on the side.  All three do a good task of tracking manus movements near the face up.

Rift S has a camera on the side that enables better tracking of hand movements on the side
Rift S has a photographic camera on the side that enables amend tracking of hand movements on the side


When you are using Oculus Quest 2 to play PC VR with Oculus Link, Air Link or Virtual Desktop, your PC has to not simply play the VR game, just likewise has to stream information technology at the same time to the Quest, therefore it will require a more powerful graphics carte du jour.  Meet the list of compatible cards here.   As of 2021, the near affordable graphics carte du jour that can work with Oculus Link or Air Link is GTX 1650 Super (not just a GTX 1650).  Please annotation that dissimilar the GTX 1650, a GTX 1650 Super bill of fare will require a 6-pin power connector.   Note also that when using Virtual Desktop, the more powerful your CPU and graphics bill of fare are, the better the graphics volition exist.

Hither are the minimum requirements for Oculus Link, Air Link or Virtual Desktop:

  • Intel i5-4590 or amend
  • 8GB RAM or more
  • GTX 1650 Super or better
  • USB 3.0 port.

The cheapest and probably also the easiest style to become a PC that meets these specs is to get a used PC with i5-4590 or better, 8GB RAM or more, with Windows 10.  I suggest looking for 1 with a tower case.  A PC with small grade factor can use only one-half-acme PCI cards and the fastest low contour graphics card is the GTX 1650, which is not sufficient to run Oculus Link.

UPDATE: due to the rise in prices of cryptocurrency, graphics menu prices take now spiked up as well.

Another choice for a VR PC is to apply cloud calculating.  With this option, you utilise a powerful PC to run VR remotely.  This option is possible for wireless PC VR gaming (see below), simply it cannot be used to run Oculus Rift S.  As of February 2021, this option costs $12 per month.  More information and demo, see here.

Can a laptop run Oculus Link?  Aye.  My laptop with GTX 1070 tin run Oculus Link or even wireless Air Link or Virtual Desktop.  It is possible for a reasonably-priced laptop to support Oculus Link.  As of October 2020, I'1000 not aware of a laptop with a GTX 1650 Super.  Nevertheless, there are several laptops that have GTX 1660, such as this one with i5 tenth gen and 16GB RAM and 512GB SSD or this one with 32GB RAM and 1TB SSD.

FAQ (updated January 2, 2021)

Oculus Quest 2 is slightly smaller than Oculus Quest 1
Oculus Quest 2 is slightly smaller than Oculus Quest 1
    1. I've never tried VR.  What'southward the difference between VR and 3D?  What's it like?  Is information technology any dissimilar from Google Cardboard?
      With 3D photos and videos, what you encounter looks similar it has a 3D shape.  With VR, an object volition look like it is literally correct there in front end of you.  Not just will information technology take a 3D shape only you can walk around it or crouch for instance.  The sensation is realistic enough to fool your body into experiencing feelings.  For example, if y'all fall of a cliff in VR, for the initial moment you may experience a lilliputian bit of the roller coaster feeling.  That's why on YouTube, there are several videos of people falling on their faces – they truly believed what they were seeing.   For more info, see this related post, which also describes the departure between Google Paper-thin VR headsets and 'real' VR headsets such as Oculus Quest or Rift.
    2. What tin can you practise in VR besides playing games?
      Here are some ideas, besides only playing games.
      – Yous tin get exercise (there are games with varying levels of exercise intensity).  The practise you can go from some games is existent.  My favorite one is Thrill of the Fight, a boxing simulation game.  When I play that, information technology is so intense that my pulse tin can reach levels above what is supposed to be the maximum for my age.  At that place are also easier exercise games.
      – You can watch Netflix, YouTube and other videos on a large virtual screen.  Rather than the screen just floating in forepart of you, it volition seem as if you are in a room with a large screen (as big as you want it to be, even movie theater size).
      – Explore and create artwork.
      – Run into other people in VR to talk to them or play games with them.
    3. I'm prone to motion sickness.  Does VR crusade motion sickness?
      The short reply is that with Oculus Quest or Rift, nausea will probably depend on the type of game or app you lot're using.  Nausea in VR tends to occur when at that place is a difference between what y'all're seeing versus what you are feeling.  If you are stationary merely you are seeing something that looks like you are moving, yous tin experience nausea.   You tin likewise experience nausea if there is a lag between your head motion and what you see in the headset.
      With low quality VR headsets, there is a high adventure of nausea because the mediocre head tracking tin can create an inconsistency between your head movement and what y'all see in VR.  Still, Oculus Rift and Quest have first-class caput tracking, so nausea is far less likely.  Every bit an example, my wife is very prone to motion sickness (even just doing due south-turns while skiing downhill gives her a headache).  Even so, with Quest and Rift, she does not experience any nausea.  I have let many people try my Quest and none said they experienced nausea.
      Having said that, some apps are more probable to make you empty-headed, such as flying or racing simulations.  The Oculus store includes ratings for apps from Comfortable to Moderate to Intense.  Stick to Comfortable and you should exist fine until you build stronger tolerance for more intense experiences.
    4. Does VR require a lot of space?
      This varies by game, but virtually games don't crave a lot of space.  Y'all can go by with a infinite every bit pocket-size as a circumvolve with about 3 human foot radius.  But the more than infinite you have, the more fun it will exist.  You'll be able to walk around more instead of teleporting.
    5. How practise I know if my PC can utilise Oculus Quest 2 or Rift S?
      – The minimum processor as of 2020 is Intel i3-6100 (Rift South) or Intel i5-4590 (Quest 2).  Recommended is Intel i5-4590 or better.
      – The minimum RAM is 8GB.
      – The minimum graphics menu is GTX 1050 Ti (Rift S) or GTX 1650 Super (Quest ii Oculus Link). Recommended is GTX 1060 (or AMD RX 480) or better.
      – Both Rift S and Quest 2 need a USB 3.0 port.  In add-on, Rift South as well requires a Displayport.
    6. I remember I accept the minimum specs but I want to be really sure my PC can run VR.
      You can try installing the Steam VR Performance test.  Rather than merely check your specs, this gratis app volition run a scene from a VR game and prove you your PC'southward functioning.  The disadvantage is that information technology was designed to exam Steam VR compatibility not Oculus compatibility.  But information technology's better than nothing.
    7. Is a VR-Ready PC expensive?  How much is a VR-ready PC in 2021?
      It used to be possible to buy a VR-ready PC for $400 or less.  The trouble is that in 2021, graphics card prices are skyrocketing because they're also being used for mining cryptocurrency.  It appears that this trend will keep.
      Considering of the very high prices for graphics cards, the best value for VR-gear up PCs are pre-built PCs, specially laptops.  Laptops are more often than not not upgradeable, and have limited internal space for powerful components, and so they are less desirable for cryptocurrency mining.  It is possible to become a VR-set laptop for effectually $800 (GTX 1650) or for around $1,000 (GTX 1660).
      If you choose to build your own VR ready PC, the cheapest way is to get a used tower PC with i5-4590 or ameliorate, 8GB or more RAM, and Windows 10 installed.  On eBay this should be under $250.  Make certain it has at least one PCI slot bachelor.
      Next, install a compatible graphics card.  If the graphics bill of fare needs a power cable, then you'll demand to connect a power cable from the PC'southward power supply to the graphics carte.  The most powerful graphics card that does non demand a power cable as of 2020 is the GTX 1650.  It can run Rift S, just is below the minimum for Oculus Link.
    8. Tin a $400 PC really run VR?
      Yes.  I put together a VR-ready PC for fifty-fifty less than $400 in 2017.  However, the cost of the same system in 2021 has risen to around $500 due to the rising cost of graphics cards.  Hither is a demo with an i5-4590, 8GB, and GTX 1050Ti low profile (with Oculus Rift CV1):
    9. Why are graphics cards expensive?  What is the near affordable way to get a VR fix PC?
      In 2021, VR-gear up graphics cards have become extremely expensive, selling for more than double or triple their retail price.  This is because VR ready graphics cards are as well useful for mining cryptocurrency, and equally cryptocurrencies accept increased in price, more miners have been purchasing graphics cards, thus raising their prices.  As of 2021, the about affordable way to get a VR ready PC is to get a pre-assembled PC or laptop.
    10. Can a laptop run desktop VR?  Can it utilize Rift Due south?  How nigh Oculus Link?
      Yep it can.  I utilise VR with my laptop all the time.  The tricky role is that some graphics cards piece of work differently on a laptop.  For example, the GTX 1050 Ti is enough to run desktop VR.  However, on most laptops with GTX 1050 Ti, the HDMI port is not connected to the graphics card.  Every bit a result, Oculus Rift S won't piece of work on well-nigh laptops with GTX 1050 Ti.   Some other example is that GTX 1060M (for laptops) is non enough for Oculus Link, while GTX 1060 on desktop is enough for Oculus Link.
      The bottom line is that for laptops, the minimum is GTX 1660 for Oculus Link or GTX 1650 for Rift S.
    11. Can a Mac run Oculus desktop VR?
      Sorry, no.  (Really, you tin apply Boot Camp to run Windows, etc. merely I don't know if the necessary drivers will work for the Rift, etc.  Try information technology at your risk.)
    12. Do you need the Oculus Link cablevision for Oculus Link to piece of work?
      Non necessarily.  To utilise Oculus Link, you lot exercise need a fast USB cable.  Oculus sells a 16-ft Oculus Link cobweb optic USB 3.0 cablevision for $79.  Please note information technology is USB Type C to Type C, so you'll need a USB Type C port or an adapter.  As an culling, Oculus too recommends this 10-ft Anker cable which is simply $18.  The Anker is shorter but it costs much less and it is a USB Blazon C to Type A cablevision, so it is easier to find an available port for it.  Moreover, in my tests, I found my Anker USB cable to exist faster than my Oculus Link cablevision (although the Oculus Link cable is longer).  Another reward of the Anker cablevision is that information technology seems to be easier for compatibility.  I tried the Oculus Link cable and it didn't piece of work on my Quest two merely worked on my Quest 1.  Meanwhile, the Anker cable worked for both.
    13. Does the Quest 2 battery run down when using it for Oculus Link?
      On my laptop, information technology does not run down the Quest two battery. In fact, the bombardment charges when connected via Oculus Link.  Just please note YMMV, depending on your PC's motherboard.  One user reported that his Quest 2 ran downward after nearly 3 hours of employ.
    14. Can Quest two play Oculus Rift desktop VR games?  How nearly Steam VR games for Vive or Valve Index?
      Yeah, Quest and Quest two tin play Oculus desktop VR games and Steam VR games via Oculus Link or Virtual Desktop.  I've tested fifty-fifty graphically demanding games such equally One-half-Life: Alyx (which is a Steam VR game) and it worked.  In fact, as of Jan 2022, 40% of SteamVR users use Quest 2 as their desktop VR headset, more than all other non-Oculus VR headsets combined (25% use other Oculus headsets such as Rift S, Rift CV1 and Quest, while the remaining 35% use not-Oculus headsets such as Valve Index, Vive, Windows Mixed Reality, etc.).
    15. Are there games that are not uniform with Virtual Desktop?
      Some games are compatible with Virtual Desktop only if purchased from Steam shop or from Oculus store.  Run across this list.
    16. New! If I buy a game, should I purchase for Oculus Quest or Oculus Rift?
      If you want to use the game for PC VR (powered by your PC, then linked to Quest), so purchase it from the Oculus Rift store.  If yous desire to utilise the game on your Quest standalone, then buy it from the Oculus Quest app store.
    17. New! If a game or app is available for both Oculus Quest and Oculus Rift, is it cross-buy?
      Some games are cantankerous-purchase (buying the Quest version besides unlocks Rift version and vice-versa) but others are non.  To determine if a game is cross-buy, cheque this listing.
    18. New! If nosotros have two VR headsets, tin can nosotros use both at the same time using the same account?
      For some games, aye it is possible to play with a friend using the same account.  See this listing by u/no6969el.
    19. How do you exit Oculus Link and get back to the regular Oculus Quest 2 screen?
      From the Oculus Home settings, select "Disable Link."
    20. I tried Virtual Desktop but it says "headset not found."
      Be sure to launch the games from within the Quest'southward Virtual Desktop app.  Don't launch them from Oculus desktop app.  If yous're still getting an mistake, try to reinstall Steam VR first, then reinstall Virtual Desktop Streamer.
    21. Can other people watch me apply Oculus Quest while using Oculus Link or Virtual Desktop?
      Yes.  You lot can cast to a phone, Google Chromecast device, or your computer running Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge, every bit long as they are on the same Wi-Fi network equally your Oculus Quest.    Notwithstanding, please note that in that location may be lag in what your viewers see.
    22. How do I make Oculus Quest or Oculus Quest 2 more comfortable?
      Oculus Quest and Quest 2 are both front end-heavy.  This tin cause discomfort when using them for prolonged periods, such as neck strain, or facial pain.  There are several solutions:
      – Attach a battery pack or VR Ability (reviewed here) to act as a counterweight
      – Elite Strap ($49) or Aristocracy Strap with Bombardment ($129) for Oculus Quest 2.  Or try this Aristocracy Strap clone.
      – Frankenquest (around $115 total), which is the nickname for using the HTC Vive Deluxe Audio Strap on Oculus Quest or Quest 2.  It'south easy to install and needs no tools.
      Frankenquest is an Oculus Quest with an HTC Vive Deluxe Audio Strap
      Frankenquest is an Oculus Quest with an HTC Vive Deluxe Audio Strap

How to Use OCULUS QUEST 2's OCULUS LINK for PC VR via USB (updated Dec. 3, 2021)

Oculus Link is a feature that lets you apply Oculus Quest or Quest 2 to play PC VR with a cable attached to your PC.  Yous'll even so need a VR-set up PC merely yous won't demand to go some other VR headset to play PC VR apps.  Using Oculus Quest or Quest 2 to play PC VR is very elementary as long equally you lot have a PC with the minimum requirements (meet FAQ#ii above) and a uniform cablevision (Oculus Link cablevision for $79 or Anker cablevision for $18).

  1. Outset, install the Oculus app on your PC and launch it.
  2. Second, disable Air Link.  On the Oculus Quest, go to your apps and look for the Settings app.  In the Settings app, scroll downward on the correct side and choose Experimental Features.  On the correct side, disable Air Link.
  3. Next, plug the USB cablevision to connect your Quest or Quest two to your PC's USB iii.0 port.
  4. On your Quest headset, y'all should encounter a message request if you want to enable Oculus Link.  Confirm that y'all desire to enable it.  Alternatively, yous tin can get to Quest 2's Quick Settings by pressing the Oculus push button and clicking on the Wi-Fi icon on the left side.  Then select Oculus Link.

When you enable Oculus Link, the Oculus Habitation view in your headset will alter to the same Oculus Dwelling that you would run into on Rift S.  Yous can then launch whatever game and play it as you normally would.  If you lot want to exit Oculus Link, go to the Settings and click on Disable Link.

If Oculus games are not launching correctly, then you should cheque if Oculus is set as default for OpenXR in the Oculus app.  If not, and so yous need to brand information technology active.  You'll need to utilize an ambassador account to modify that setting.

Oculus must be set as default for OpenXR
Oculus must exist set up as default for OpenXR

Tin Oculus Quest 2 play Steam VR games with Oculus Link?  Yes, absolutely.  As long as you lot've installed Steam and SteamVR, you should see Steam VR among your Oculus apps.   First install SteamVR.  From Oculus Home, run the Steam VR app, which will launch the Steam VR Dwelling house.  From there, you can launch Steam VR apps.  I've run fifty-fifty graphically demanding games such every bit One-half-Life: Alyx.

How to Use OCULUS QUEST or QUEST 2 for WIRELESS PC VR (updated January 3, 2021)

Quest and Quest two can non only be used for PC VR games and apps merely it tin even do then wirelessly.  As of April 2021, the two primary options for wireless PC VR are Air Link and Virtual Desktop.  Air Link is designed for Quest ii but can also be used on Quest 1 if y'all sideload an unofficial app (instructions beneath).  Alternatively, both Quest 2 and Quest can also use Virtual Desktop for wireless PC VR.

What hardware you need for Air Link or Virtual Desktop

The hardware you demand is the aforementioned for Air Link or Virtual Desktop.  In addition to a Quest one or Quest 2, you'll need a more powerful PC (run into above), a 5ghz wireless router, and an ethernet cablevision from your PC to your router.   Whether you use Air Link or Virtual Desktop, you need to connect the PC to your 5ghz router via the ethernet cablevision.

Choice ane: Air Link on Oculus Quest i or Quest two

How to install:

Pace 0: Brand sure you've installed the Oculus app for PC, then Steam, and so SteamVR (available on Steam) on your PC if yous haven't done so yet.

Step 1: Update Oculus desktop app to version 28 or later.

Stride ii: Update Oculus app on your Quest to version 28 or after.

Step three: under Settings, go to Experimental Features and toggle Air Link on.  If you lot don't see the Air Link option, reboot your Quest ii.

Culling for Quest 1 with older app version:  With firmware version 35 or later, yous should likewise run across Air Link even for Quest 1, but if you lot cannot find the Air Link option, you can instead sideload Air Link Connector.  If you don't know how to sideload via Sidequest, see below or see more than details here.

How to use Air Link:

Note: Equally of version 35, Air Link doesn't have to be toggled on the Oculus desktop app anymore.  On older versions (due east.thousand. version 28), Air Link had to be toggled on (nether Settings … Beta).

Step 1: Connect your PC to a 5Ghz router (such as this) via an ethernet cablevision network is 5Ghz not ii.4ghz.

Step 2: Click the Oculus button to bring up the menu, then click on the Wi Fi icon to bring up Quick Settings and select Air Link.  Click on the Air Link button to launch Air Link.  You may have to confirm the connection on your PC screen.  If you can hear sounds but you lot only run across black, come across Looping Error below.

Step iii (merely for Air Link Connector): If you installed Air Link Connector, here's how to use it.  Nether Apps, click on the dropdown arrow on the right side and select Unknown Sources.  This will reveal sideloaded apps.  Click on Air Link Connector and click on the button with your PC's name on information technology.

Option 2: Virtual Desktop on Quest ane or Quest ii

An culling to Air Link is Virtual Desktop.  Compared to Air Link, Virtual Desktop is able to run on lower end PC hardware because it has more settings for decreasing the graphics quality.  Note that every bit of Feb 25, 2021, if yous use Virtual Desktop ane.20 or later on for Oculus Quest, then y'all will no longer need to sideload the patched version.

How to install:

Step 0: Make sure you've installed Oculus app, Steam, and SteamVR (available on Steam) on your PC if you haven't done so notwithstanding.

Step i: Purchase and install Virtual Desktop 1.20 for Oculus Quest (available on Oculus Store) on your headset.  Do non purchase Virtual Desktop for Oculus Rift.

Stride 2: Download and Install Virtual Desktop Streamer on your PC.   Make sure to install Steam VR first before you install virtual desktop streamer.

How to use Virtual Desktop wirelessly:

Later on following the steps in a higher place, yous are now ready to utilise Virtual Desktop wirelessly.

– Connect your PC to your router via ethernet cable.
– Launch Virtual Desktop Streamer on your PC.
– On Oculus Quest, connect to the Wi-Fi network of the 5Ghz router that is connected to the PC.  Brand sure you are on a 5Ghz network (non 2.4 Ghz).
– From Oculus Quest, run the Virtual Desktop app.  Under Settings, I suggest using the highest bitrate.
– On the left margin of the Virtual Desktop app, choose Games.  Your Oculus desktop VR and Steam VR games will exist listed here.  Just click on the game to launch information technology.  Delight note some games accept a long while to load (a few minutes).

If y'all run into a "Headset non found" mistake, try these:
– Reboot your PC.
– Reinstall Steam VR
– Reinstall Virtual Desktop Streamer.

If you accept a 5ghz router but your connection is less than 866 mbps, effort rebooting your headset and launching again.

How to employ Sidequest to sideload Air Link Connector or other apps

Air Link should now exist available even for Quest i.  Withal, if y'all cannot find Air Link or it Facebook disables it, yous may need to install Air Link Connector.  Here is how to sideload Air Link Connector, an unofficial app to enable Air Link on Quest 1.  You can also utilize this same process to sideload other apps that are non on the Oculus shop.

You'll need:
– Sidequest (an app for sideloading apps into Quest or Go). Available hither for Windows, Mac or Linux.
– Air Link Connector APK available here

Step 1: Install Sidequest.  See steps below or watch this video past Cas and Chary.

  • Download and install Sidequest on your PC.
    – Create an Oculus developer account.  Go to
    – Download ADB (Android Debug Bridge) driver. Available on Oculus after you lot create a developer account.
    – Unzip the commuter you downloaded and install ADB driver on your PC.
  • Enable Programmer mode on your Quest.  From your Oculus phone app, connect to your Quest, tap on the down arrow and cull More Settings… and toggle Developer mode on, then reboot your headset (concur downwardly the power button until information technology turns off).
    – Connect your Quest to your PC via USB cable.
    – On your Quest, you'll see a popup request if you want to allow debugging.  Choose aye.

Step 2: employ Sidequest to install Air Link Connector APK on your Quest .  On Sidequest's menu bar, on the upper right, click the icon with the down arrow to install an APK and select the Air Link Connector APK that y'all downloaded.  You'll encounter a ruddy dot on the card bar indicating that it'southward being installed.  When the dot turns light-green, that means the installation is consummate and y'all can disconnect your Quest from the PC.

On Sidequest, click this down arrow to install an APK
On Sidequest, click this down arrow to install an APK

Go on with the department above entitled How to Utilize Wireless PC VR.  Bonus: now that you have Sidequest, y'all may install other unofficial apps bachelor on Sidequest if you wish.

Air Link Black Screen Looping Fault

If you lot launch Air Link and you can hear sound effects simply all yous come across is the Oculus logo, and so black and it seems to be repeating over and over, then endeavor this fix:

Subsequently launching Air Link, wait for the shimmering audio, which you should hear later a couple of loops of the Oculus logo.  The shimmering sound means Oculus has fully launched.  You tin then go to your PC and launch SteamVR (I peek through the pigsty around the olfactory organ).  When SteamVR launches, you should run into it notice your headset and your controllers:

If you see your headset and controllers in SteamVR then that means SteamVR is working
If you run into your headset and controllers in SteamVR then that ways SteamVR is working

After SteamVR detects your headset and controllers, just expect a minute or two and y'all should run across the Steam Dwelling surroundings, where yous can launch SteamVR apps.  Y'all can also click on the Oculus button and it should bring upward the Oculus Abode carte du jour from where you can launch Oculus desktop apps.

Steam Home environment
Steam Dwelling environs

Tracking Lost Error

Occasionally, you may get a tracking lost error in the Quest or Quest 2.  This is usually not a problem with your VR headset.  Tracking Lost is caused when the cameras are obstructed or the conditions brand it difficult for the Quest's cameras to clarify the environment.  To fix it, you lot need to check for anything that is interfering with your cameras, and then you need to re-enable tracking.  Here's a short video.  If you continue to have Tracking Lost fault, see this article for other solutions.


For PC VR on a low-end VR-ready PC, Rift S is a little sharper and more crisp than Quest in Oculus Link, Air Link or Virtual Desktop.  However, about users will find that Quest or Quest 2 via Oculus Link is generally about as expert as Rift South for desktop VR equally long as your PC is powerful enough.  Quest or Quest 2 also makes it possible to play desktop VR games wirelessly if you have a 5Ghz router.   The downside is that the graphics are less detailed unless you take a loftier-end VR-fix PC.

If you're a PC gamer who wants the best detail, smoothest motility, and everyman latency, I recommend Valve Index.  On the other hand, if you lot want a more versatile headset or if you desire a wireless VR experience for greater immersiveness (at the expense of a little item and motility that is a bit less smooth), then go for Quest 2.


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