Granite Countertops Pros and Cons

For years, homeowners take had granite as their top pick to meliorate their home's overall await. Yous'll notice this sought after item in every residential house or studio flat, an office, or luxury hotel suites beyond the land. If you take kids or use your countertop for almost all the activities, it's essential to make a sustainable and durable choice. Adding granite countertops volition do just that and more. To make the right option, you lot demand to learn more virtually granite countertops pros and cons.

It will take your kitchen or bathroom remodel from bones to high-stop, losing none of the original features and functions and giving you the remodel that you deserve.

Granite Countertop Pros

Hikes Value

Similar marble, granite countertops add an instant ultra-loftier-end appeal to your kitchen remodel. It adds on to the lasting value of your home, which makes granite a wise investment. Information technology's too a keen improver to bring a piece of outdoor, indoor.

Granite countertops are a unique add-on to your remodel as they are eco-friendly. Compliment your countertops with contrasting cabinets and features to add to your home value. Though it may not add together monetary value, granite counters will add appeal to prospective buyers in the future.

Sustainable for Decades

Granite takes thousands of years to class, and it keeps its natural form, which can then be enhanced. Imagine buying a beautiful diamond, a manifestly rock vs. one that has been transformed and polished to look elegant and timeless while enhancing its original pattern. The same goes for granite countertops.

They are readily bachelor and can be custom-made according to preferences. Granite also lasts a lifetime with proper care and maintenance and does not emit harmful radiation. This quality makes granite a sustainable choice than other natural stones.

Durable and Sturdy

When compared to quartz and marble, granite can testify to be the most durable of the lot. Granite is resistant to high heat, and information technology's not susceptible to spills and scratches. Information technology is super sturdy and will last you a decade with proper intendance and maintenance.

I of the essential things to annotation is granite countertops won't melt or cicatrice when exposed to heat. You can easily place a hot pot direct from the stove on the countertop without worrying about causing any damage. Experts recommend using granite for families with kids and elderly, every bit it is scratch-resistant and won't stain easily. To extend your countertop's life, you should get the stone sealed professionally for long-lasting results.

Upscale Wait

Granite is a visibly granular, igneous rock available in white through the spectrum of pink, gold, blueish and green, gray, and black. They are the hardest architectural stone, making them platonic for countertops and high-traffic areas.

Unlike quartz, every granite slab is different and formed naturally with its lines, colors and unique patterns. This mode, a granite countertop will drag your remodel and provide exclusivity and uniqueness. The granite you choose won't exist anywhere else but in your own dwelling house.

The price is definitely something to consider, but each supplier and fabricator highly determine the quote. While looking at inspiration, it'southward best to look for darker shades that will blend well with your floorings, fixtures and cabinets.

Granite Countertop Cons


Betwixt different granite countertops pros and cons, it is probably the fact that granite can go expensive stands out the most for homeowners. Information technology is certainly not the about cost-effective solution for countertops if yous're on a tight budget. The thicker and more unique your slab is, the college you lot must pay for it. Though granite is a durable option for countertops, it can exist replaced by cheaper options like corian, quartz, forest, laminate, etc.

One way to mitigate the overall price is to cull granite tiles over slabs. This may seem like an innovative, upkeep-friendly pick, merely the downside is more visible grout lines. Granite needs to be continuously sealed to last longer, which can get expensive in the near future.

Also, don't forget the cost of professional person installation and customization. Near people don't accept these factors into consideration while choosing the countertop material. Information technology'southward best to inquire your contractor virtually their installation charges before the remodeling begins.

Decumbent to Cracks

Granite is a very durable and sturdy fabric. Well, that's what we've heard. But with every advantage comes some challenges. Granite countertops nonetheless possess a adventure of chipping, especially the corners. For case, a heavy object dropped from a certain superlative can hands chip or fissure the surface. Simply it doesn't happen too frequently.

With specially formulated cleaners and sealers, the skillful news is you can retain its dazzler for decades. If you stop upwardly buying granite countertops, make sure you know how to maintain them. It's recommended that you re-seal your granite countertops every year to ensure longevity.

Colour Me (Non)

As granite is a natural stone, information technology is limited to mother nature'due south colors and patterns. You will find both light and darker shades of granite. There are only about twenty shades of solid patterns and vivid colors of granite for you to choose from.

With non enough color options bachelor, granite won't exist a wise choice for someone who's looking for a vibrant countertop. In that case, laminate, quartz, or solid surfaces will offer a broader range of color options.

Similarly, make sure to view the exact granite slab and not just a tiny sample fabricated for your kitchen countertop. As well-nigh of the granites take huge flowing veins, it may be challenging to accurately represent the slab as a whole with merely a modest sample. Past understanding these granite countertops pros and cons, you can brand the right conclusion for your remodel.